El hijo de la novia summary
El hijo de la novia summary

Lorca ends with the peculiar question that both the moon and the child have fallen in this process. La Luna, therefore the wind is mourning her. And the wind is the candle the candle, and the word in Spanish changes to mean mourning. Whats peculiar about the last stanza is that the gypsies cry for the missing child.

el hijo de la novia summary

I believe its a much more deathly interpretation than just sleep.Īs the gypsies approach the child closes his eyes and the moon takes the boy. The moon responds, boy let me dance, when the gypsies come they will find you with your eyes closed. The moon shows to the child her "breast of hard prime (unprocessed) silver." The boy afraid for the gypsies tells the moon to leave for the gypsies will make of the moon necklaces and rings (silver). For example, the mention of the breast which may have a motherly implication, changes to something more sexual. However, Lorca's interpretation is much more sexual and the boy appears to be of an older age. And it says that when the child cries the moon becomes a crescent moon to make him a cradle and console him. Her husband (a gypsy as well) thought it wasn't his child, and in anger killed the gypsy woman. When the gypsy woman gave birth the children had olive eyes and white skin, he was albino.

el hijo de la novia summary

The moon consented as long as her first born belonged to the moon.

el hijo de la novia summary

So crying and begging she asked the moon to giver her children. The song tells of a gypsy woman who wanted to have a child. It's sort of a myth/legend that provided a conclusion to people who where Albino as well as the reasons why the form of the moon changes. Mila7 - This poem takes after a popular folk song in Spanish named El niño de La Luna.

El hijo de la novia summary