Click on Edit menubar and select Users.Ĩ. Although the FTP service is already running, but no one can connect it because you will first need to create a user account and then assign the folders with proper permissions to the user. After installation, FileZilla Server will automatically run and prompts you to connect to server.
Choose the startup behavior and click the Install button.Ħ.
You can also leave the port untouched unless there is another application that is using the same port.ĥ. There is also an option to install as service but not automatically started or as a normal startup method. By default FileZilla Server will install as service and started automatically. Click Next to accept the install location.Ĥ. Click I Agree button, make sure Standard type of installation is selected and click Next.ģ. Download FileZilla Server and run the setup file to start installation.Ģ.
Another really easy to configure Core FTP mini SFTP server will also be included.įinally, we will also show you how to connect to your FTP server from your local network. There are quite a number of free FTP server software and after testing all of them, we will only show you how to setup your FTP server using FileZilla Server because of the popularity and Xlight FTP Server because it comes with UPnP support that your router will automatically forward the port. You can then establish a connection to the FTP server and start transferring the files. All you need to do is set up a FTP server on a working Windows computer and then boot up the dead PC with a live rescue CD such as UBCD4Win that comes with a FileZilla FTP client software. Other than commonly using FTP for web servers, it can also be used to backup files from a unbootable machine. This information is for you to connect to your web server using a FTP client software so you can manage the files on your server by downloading or uploading through a directory tree view. Most of the time when you have a website hosted on a server, you are given a FTP information containing the FTP address, username, password and port number that commonly uses 21. FTP is short for File Transfer Protocol and is used to transfer files between computers.
You may have heard of FTP before which is the reason why you are currently reading this article.